Setting Boundaries and Standards: Protecting Your Well-Being as an Esthetics Business Owner

My dear mother taught me a lesson about boundaries and standards, one blustery Oklahoma night.  My mother gave my 18-year-old sister a curfew which my sister violated.  At the time of my sister’s curfew, my mother engaged the deadbolt with the key and threatened to put me outside if I opened the door to let my sister in the house.   As you probably guessed, I did not let my sister in the house. I learned a lesson that evening that people would often cross your boundary line, but it's up to you to uphold your standards. As a coach working with esthetics business owners, setting boundaries and standards is crucial to building a thriving business without losing yourself. In this blog post, we'll explore boundaries and standards, how they are different yet similar, and how to apply them in our personal and professional lives.

Setting Boundaries Can Benefit Your Esthetics Business and Personal Life

Setting boundaries is an essential aspect of managing a business successfully. The limits and responsibilities we select protect our work-life balance, prevent burnout, and sustainably keep the business running. Moreover, boundaries empower us to focus on what's essential. They not only help us to say "no" to tasks that don't align with our beliefs or negatively affect our well-being, but they also give us time, energy, and space to say "yes" to our priorities. As a business owner, you can set limits around your working hours, communication with clients, or services you offer. Boundaries are not meant to keep others away; they create healthy habits that enhance productivity and foster a sense of fulfillment. By setting and respecting boundaries, you can run your business efficiently, grow, and prosper.

 Elevating Your Esthetics Business and Personal Life with High Standards

Setting high standards for yourself is essential to running a successful esthetics business. Standards refer to the quality and behavior we hold ourselves accountable for beyond meeting client expectations. They are also about honoring your values and beliefs. Your standards can be reflected through various practices, such as using eco-friendly or organic products, maintaining a clean and hygienic workspace, specific services you offer, or educating clients about skincare. Unlike boundaries with others, standards allow you to focus on what you can control and react in a way that aligns with your beliefs and values. By setting and upholding high standards, you can establish a reputation for excellence in your industry and attract clients who share your values and appreciate the care you put into your work.

Steps Set Boundaries and Standards in Your Esthetics Business and Personal Life

Building a thriving business and ensuring personal well-being as a business owner requires establishing boundaries and standards. Boundaries are necessary to prevent losing oneself to the business and suffering from burnout, while standards are crucial to preserving clients' trust and maintaining a positive reputation. These two elements, boundaries and standards, work symbiotically, with standards often serving as the cornerstone of boundary setting. For example, when individuals do not uphold their standards, it is not uncommon to feel guilt or disappointment, as their integrity as a business owner may be in question. Establishing clear standards provides a foundation upon which individuals can set boundaries and set themselves up for success while still being able to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

But how can you set boundaries and standards in your personal and professional life?

To set boundaries and standards in your personal and professional life, you must first determine your values and beliefs. Personal values are the beliefs we hold closest to our hearts, often as motivators and guiding us through life. These values integrate into our personalities, becoming a defining part of who we are and influencing our decision-making and actions. It is important to note that personal values vary between people and can be affected by factors such as culture, upbringing, and life experiences, among other things.

Next, it is essential to establish what you will not compromise on in your business or personal life. For example, if you value your time, it would be frustrating to entertain clients who are no-shows or tardy consistently. In contrast, if you value family time, it is essential to create a work schedule that allows you to be at home at the same time as your partner and/or spouse. By setting boundaries and values, you can prioritize your time and energy on the things that matter most to you. This will help ensure a fulfilling and successful professional and personal life. It is important to take the time to reflect on what your non-negotiables are and actively work to uphold those standards.

Lastly, to maintain healthy relationships with clients, family, and friends, it is important to establish boundaries and communicate your standards proactively. One way to ensure understanding and communication is by clearly outlining your work hours, cancellation policies, and expectations upfront. The same holds for your personal relationships- by setting boundaries and stipulating what you are and are not willing to do or accept, you can avoid unwanted surprises and expectations. Furthermore, sharing your unique story, values, and beliefs with potential clients can help them understand what makes you uniquely qualified and attract those who align with your work ethos. Ultimately, being transparent and open about your personal and professional expectations can lead to more fulfilling, productive, and meaningful interactions with the people who matter most in your life.

As a successful esthetics business owner, you must establish firm boundaries and high standards in your personal and professional life to maintain your overall well-being and foster long-term success. Setting clear boundaries and expectations in your business establishes healthy routines and genuine connections with clients and those close to you. While the two may appear similar, boundaries are distinct from standards, and both tools are necessary for creating an authentic and sustainable business that aligns with your core values. By establishing firm boundaries, you gain invaluable empowerment that attracts clients who value your strengths in your community and build a positive reputation. Remember, boundaries and standards work in tandem to enable you to be successful on your terms and create your best version of a fulfilling and rewarding esthetics business and personal life.


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